Recently the Rural Vista 481 school district enacted a new policy for cell phones. Rural Vista is following the lead of other districts. The goal is to reduce the amount of distractions from the essential task of learning.
Here’s how it works: the students are assigned a designated lock box for their phone that they are to put their phone into at the beginning of the day. They will be able to pick it up at the end of the day. If the student is caught violating this the first offense the phone will be taken and the parent/ guardian notified the student will be able to pick it up at the end of the day. On the second offense, the phone will be confiscated and put in a box in the office for the student’s parents to pick up. The third offense: the phone will be confiscated and the parents will be able to pick it up at the end of the day. Further offenses will result in confiscation of the device and parents will be notified to pick it up and the student will get ISS.
If the student refuses to follow this the student will be in violation of school policy and the student will immediately get issued 1 day of ISS, if the policy is violated again the student will get 2 days of ISS. If the student is caught turning in a fake device, this will count as a refusal of the policy. For sponsored school activities the student will be expected to follow the supervisor or teachers in instructions.